Clean air
Whilst the school is next to Primrose Hill, one whole side of the playground faces a busy road. The school decided to help alleviate pollution by planting a whole wall of climbers including jasmine, ivy, evergreen clematis, and Virginia creeper. Thanks to free trees provided by, the school was also able to plant several trees and shrubs including rowan, hawthorn. In one season the whole wall has been turned green, and the kids are enjoying cleaner air.
As well as this, the school’s beds have been brimming with bees on pollinator-friendly flowers. Year 1 has been growing sunflowers in pots as well as growing wildflowers including the interestingly named ‘Bladder campion’. Just look at the pretty honeysuckle arch!
Finally, St Pauls is helping to grow the Camden Meadow by giving out wildflower seed packs to students.